Tuesday, April 24, 2018

35 years and counting!

I am going to be 35 in a couple of weeks. I had plans, hugeplans for my 35th birthday but this time my plans have crashed. I can’tafford to go on that hiking trip I so wanted to go to. And I am not feeling sad about it. I am sure there is a next time and I am going on that trip if not today, someday soon. Wow, I never thought I am so strong unless being strong was all I had.
So looking back, what have I achieved being in this planet for 34 years? Other than the fact that I am single, I don’t think I have a reason to complain. I have a house, I have a car, I have a job, I am fit (fittish rather :). And yes, I do have loans. But from the humble beginnings I had I have come so far.
Just looking back, when I was in college, a time I had to take tuitions for kids in my neighborhood to make sure I have enough money to go to college did I ever dream that I will buy a car. No, at that time all I wanted was to finish college and start working so that I could be of some help to my family. Since I didn’t have a dad, my mom, my sister  and I used to live in a joint family with my mom’s sister and her brother, his wife. We never got enough of anything. We were always the unwanted and the extras in the house. There was no hope for us. It was just about spending today. I am sure we 3 have contemplated suicide several times. But yes, as I always say there are two sides to a coin. And now we are living the other side of the coin. We are content. Well there is so much more I want.
But from where we were, we have come so far. And if anything this journey has made me only stronger.
About me being single, my relatives find it as a big blackmark. Well, it’s true that I haven’t been able to find a good guy (in some occasions fate had played cruel jokes). But when I look back, I think it was for the best. I don’t think, I will ever make a good wife, I don’t think I have the patience to take care of a kid. And I don’t think I can take up such responsibilities. I seriously don’t understand that some people take loans to get married and they are worried how to pay it back. And I am always asking is it so important to be married?
I always have this nightmare, since I will make a disaster wife. The husband will hate me and will torture me. I am not so good with confrontations. That will only make life more difficult. I am straightforward.I can’t act to be good. Coz of these negative qualities in me, I find it better that am single. I just wish I could explain it to people who ask me why I am not married!

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